上海山美环保装备股份有限公司,中德合资控股企业,是破碎筛分完整产业链发展的企业,破碎筛分成套设备制造商,能够给客户提供全系列破碎筛分设备和完整解决方案, 产品包括颚式破碎机、圆锥式破碎机、反击式破碎机、旋回式破碎机、立轴冲击式破碎机(制砂机)、制砂楼、给料机、振动筛、细砂回收装置、水力浮选机、轻物质分离器、履带式移动站和轮胎式移动站等。
Shanghai Sanme Mining Machinery Corp., Ltd is a listed company (Stock Code: 833773), a Sino-German Joint Venture holding company, a company developing in the complete chain in the crushing and screening industry,, cone crusher, impact crusher, gyratory crusher, vertical impact crusher (sand maker), building-like dry sand-making system, fine sand collecting system, floating separating system, light materials separating system, mobile crushing and screening plant, and portable crushing and screening plant, etc.
山美股份依托先进的中德合资技术,完备的生产工艺设备能力以及成熟的解决方案交钥匙能力, 在绿色砂石骨料生产、建筑废弃物资源化利用、矿物加工等行业和领域得到广泛应用, 已与拉法基、豪瑞、中材国际、中国建材、中联水泥、华新水泥、海螺水泥, 东方希望、首钢资源、中天集团、中城绿建等中外知名企业成功合作, 为其提供了技术优质、性能优良的绿色智能砂石骨料生产线和建筑废弃物循环利用示范生产线,并已出口到世界上四十多个国家和地区。 我们的目标是为全球客户提供值得信赖的产品和服务,为客户创造价值。
Based on the advanced Sino-German technology, skilled engineering and manufacturing ability, and mature capability to provide total solutions, SANME products have been widely applied in green aggregates processing, construction waste recycling, and minerals processing, etc. SANME has successfully cooperated with many famous enterprises both home and abroad, such as Lafarge, Holcim, Sinoma, CNBM, CUCC, Huaxin Cement, Conch Cement,